
Professional Secrecy Will Be Maintained – We Keep Your Matters Confidential


November 14, 2013

List of Psychological Disorders

•        Acute stress disorder
•        Adjustment disorder
•        Adolescent antisocial behavior
•        Adult antisocial behavior
•        Adverse effects of medication-not otherwise specified
•        Age-related cognitive decline
•        Agoraphobia
•        Alcohol abuse
•        Alcohol dependence
•        Alcohol withdrawal
•        Alcoholic hallucinosis
•        Alzheimer's disease
•        Amnestic disorder
•        Amphetamine dependence
•        Amphetamine withdrawal psychosis
•        Anorexia nervosa
•        Anterograde amnesia
•        Antisocial personality disorder
•        Anxiety disorder
•        Anxiolytic-related disorders
•        Asperger syndrome
•        Attention deficit disorder
•        Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
•        Autism
•        Autophagia
•        Avoidant personality disorder

•        Barbiturate dependence
•        Benzodiazepine dependence
•        Benzodiazepine misuse
•        Benzodiazepine withdrawal
•        Bereavement
•        Bibliomania
•        Binge eating disorder
•        Bipolar disorder
•        Bipolar I disorder
•        Bipolar II disorder
•        Body dysmorphic disorder
•        Borderline intellectual functioning
•        Borderline personality disorder
•        Brief psychotic disorder
•        Bulimia nervosa

•        Caffeine-related disorder
•        Caffeine-induced sleep disorder
•        Cannabis dependence
•        Claustrophobia
•        Catatonic disorder
•        Catatonic schizophrenia
•        Childhood amnesia
•        Childhood antisocial behavior
•        Circadian rhythm sleep disorder
•        Cocaine dependence
•        Cocaine intoxication
•        Cognitive disorder
•        Communication disorder
•        Conduct disorder
•        Cotard delusion
•        Cyclothymia

•        Delirium tremens
•        Depersonalization disorder
•        Depressive disorder
•        Derealization disorder
•        Desynchronosis
•        Diogenes Syndrome
•        Dispareunia
•        Dissociative identity disorder (multiple personality disorder)
•        Dyslexia
•        Dysthymia

•        EDNOS
•        Encopresis
•        Ekbom's Syndrome (Delusional Parasitosis)
•        Enuresis (not due to a general medical condition)
•        Erotomania
•        Exhibitionism

•        Factitious disorder
•        Fregoli delusion
•        Frotteurism
•        Fugue State

•        Ganser syndrome (due to a mental disorder)
•        Generalized anxiety disorder
•        General adaptation syndrome
•        Grandiose delusions

•        Hallucinogen-related disorder
•        Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder
•        Histrionic personality disorder
•        Huntington's disease
•        Hypomanic episode
•        Hypochondriasis

•        Impulse control disorder
•        Impulse-control disorder not elsewhere classified
•        Inhalant abuse
•        Insomnia due to a general medical condition
•        Intermittent explosive disorder

•        Kleptomania
•        Korsakoff's syndrome

•        Lacunar amnesia

•        Major depressive disorder
•        Major depressive episode
•        Male erectile disorder
•        Malingering
•        Manic episode
•        Mathematics disorder
•        Medication-related disorder
•        Melancholia
•        Mental retardation
•        Minor depressive disorder
•        Minor depressive episode
•        Misophonia
•        Mixed episode
•        Mood disorder
•        Mood episode
•        Morbid jealousy
•        Munchausen's syndrome
•        Munchausen's syndrome by proxy

•        Narcissistic personality disorder
•        Neglect of child
•        Neuroleptic-related disorder
•        Nicotine withdrawal
•        Night eating syndrome
•        Nightmare disorder

•        Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
•        Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD)
•        Oneirophrenia
•        Opioid dependence
•        Opioid-related disorder
•        Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)

•        Pain disorder
•        Panic disorder
•        Paranoid personality disorder
•        Parasomnia
•        Parkinson's Disease
•        Partner relational problem
•        Pathological gambling
•        Perfectionism
•        Persecutory delusion
•        Personality change due to a general medical condition
•        Personality disorder
•        Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD)
•        Phencyclidine (or phencyclidine-like)-related disorder
•        Phobic disorder
•        Phonological disorder
•        Physical abuse
•        Pica
•        Polysubstance-related disorder
•        Post-traumatic embitterment disorder (PTED)
•        Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
•        Premature ejaculation
•        Primary hypersomnia
•        Primary insomnia
•        Psychogenic amnesia
•        Psychological factor affecting medical condition
•        Psychotic disorder
•        Pyromania

•        Reactive attachment disorder of infancy or early childhood
•        Reading disorder
•        Recurrent brief depression
•        Relational disorder
•        Residual schizophrenia
•        Retrograde amnesia
•        Rett's disorder
•        Rumination syndrome

•        Sadomasochism
•        Schizoaffective disorder
•        Schizoid personality disorder
•        Schizophrenia
•        Schizophreniform disorder
•        Schizotypal personality disorder
•        Seasonal affective disorder
•        Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-related disorder
•        Selective mutism
•        Separation anxiety disorder
•        Severe mental retardation
•        Shared psychotic disorder
•        Sleep disorder
•        Sleep terror disorder
•        Sleepwalking disorder
•        Social anxiety disorder
•        Social phobia
•        Somatization disorder
•        Somatoform disorder
•        Specific phobia
•        Stendhal syndrome
•        Stereotypic movement disorder
•        Stuttering
•        Substance-related disorder

•        Tardive dyskinesia
•        Transient global amnesia
•        Trichotillomania

The “Psychologist” Psychological Counseling Centre’s at
Chennai:- 9786901830
Pondicherry:- 9865212055
Panruti:- 9443054168
For appointment please Call us or Mail Us
97869 01830
Vivekanantha Psychological Counseling Centre  Health Line


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