Phobia: A phobia is defined as an irrational, intense fear of an object
or situation that poses little or no actual danger. At first glance, a phobia
may seem similar to a normal fear, but it's is the degree to which a person is
affected that determines whether that fear has become a phobia.
Understanding your phobia is the first
step to overcoming it. It’s important to know that phobias are common. Having a
phobia doesn’t mean you’re crazy! It also helps to know that phobias are highly
treatable. You can overcome your anxiety and fear, no matter how out of control
it feels.
Social and specific phobias sometimes run
in families, providing evidence of a genetic connection. Some people are born
with a predisposition towards anxiety, which makes them particularly
susceptible to developing phobias.
Symptoms of phobia:
Panic attack is common in people with
agoraphobia, social phobia, and specific phobia. Symptoms experienced during a
panic attack include the following:
v Abdominal distress
v Chest pain or discomfort
v Chills or hot flashes
v Fear of dying
v Fear of losing control or going crazy
v Feeling faint, dizzy, lightheaded, unsteady
v Feeling of choking
v Feeling of unreality or of being detached from oneself
v Numbness or tingling sensations
v Palpitations, pounding heart, racing heartbeat
v Shortness of breath, feeling smothered
v Sweating
v Trembling or shaking
Some people with agoraphobia become
fearful of having a panic attack in any public place or situation and
eventually fear and avoid leaving their home. Some are capable of leaving home
only with someone they trust. Others become completely housebound. Those who
are housebound can suffer severe anxiety or nervousness even inside their home.
List of Phobia:
v Acarophobia:- fear of itching or of insects causing itching
v Acrophobia:- fear of heights
v Aerophobia:- fear of flying or draughts
v Agoraphobia:- fear of open spaces
v Agyiophobia:- fear of crossing busy streets
v Aichmophobia:- fear of sharp or
pointed objects
v Ailurophobia:- fear of cats
v Algophobia:- fear of pain
v Amathophobia:-fear of dust
v Amaxophobia:- fear of riding in a
v Ambulophobia:- fear of walking
v Anglophobia:- fear of England or the English
v Anthrophobia:-fear of humans
v Anuptaphobia:-fear of staying single
v Aquaphobia:- fear of water
v Arachibutyrophobia:- fear of
peanut butter sticking to roof of mouth
v Arachnophobia:- fear of
v Astraphobia:- fear of being struck by lightning
v Astrapophobia:- fear of
thunder and lightning
v Automysophobia:- fear of
being dirty
v Autophobia:- fear of solitude
v Ballistophobia:- fear of
v Bathophobia:- fear of falling from a high place
v Batophobia:- fear of heights or
being close to tall buildings
v Batrachophobia:- fear of
frogs and toads
v Belonephobia:- fear of pins and
v Bibliophobia:- fear of books
v Blennophobia:- fear of slime
v Brontophobia:- fear of thunder and
v Cancerophobia:- fear of
v Cathisophobia:- fear of
v Cenophobia:- fear of empty spaces
v Chrematophobia:- fear of
v Cibophobia:- fear of or distaste
for food
v Claustrophobia:- fear of
closed spaces
v Climacophobia:- fear of
falling down stairs
v Clinophobia:- fear of staying in bed
v Cremnophobia:-fear of cliffs and
v Cyberphobia:- fear of computers
v Cynophobia:- fear of dogs
v Dromophobia:- fear of crossing
v Dysmorphophobia:- fear of
physical deformities
v Ecophobia:- fear of home
v Eleutherophobia:- fear of
v Eosophobia:- fear of dawn
v Ergasiophobia:- fear of
v Ergophobia:- fear of work
v Erotophobia:- fear of sex
v Erythrophobia:- fear of
red lights or of blushing
v Euphobia:- fear of good news
v Francophobia:-fear of France or the
v Gallophobia:- fear of France or the French
v Gamophobia:- fear of marriage
v Geniophobia:- fear of chins
v Genophobia:- fear of sex
v Gerascophobia:- fear of
growing old
v Graphophobia:- fear of writing
v Gymnophobia:- fear of nudity
v Heliophobia:- fear of sunlight
v Herpetophobia:- fear of
v Hierophobia:- fear of sacred things
v Homichlophobia:- fear of
v Homophobia:- fear of homosexuals
v Hydrophobia:- fear of water
v Hypsophobia:- fear of high places
v Iatrophobia:- fear of going to the doctor
v Iconophobia:- fear or hatred of images
v Kainotophobia:- fear of
v Kakorrhaphiophobia:- fear of
v Kenophobia:- fear of empty spaces
v Ligyrophobia:- fear of loud
v Linonophobia:- fear of string
v Lygophobia:- fear of darkness
v Lyssophobia:- fear of hydrophobia
v Macrophobia:- fear of prolonged
v Metrophobia:- fear of poetry
v Monophobia:- fear of being alone
v Muriphobia:- fear of mice
v Myophobia:- fear of mice
v Mysophobia:- fear of contamination or dirt
v Nebulaphobia:- fear of fog
v Necrophobia:- fear of corpses
v Negrophobia:- fear of blacks
v Neophobia:- fear of novelty
v Nosophobia:- fear of disease
v Novercaphobia:- fear of
one's stepmother
v Nyctophobia:- fear of the night or darkness
v Ochlophobia:- fear of crowds
v Oenophobia:- fear or hatred of wine
v Ombrophobia:- fear of rain
v Onomatophobia:- fear of
hearing a certain word
v Ophidiophobia:- fear of
v Ophthalmophobia:- fear of
being stared at
v Optophobia:- fear of opening one’s
v Ornithophobia:- fear of
v Paedophobia:- fear of children;
fear of dolls
v Panophobia:- melancholia marked by groundless fears
v Pantophobia:- fear of everything
v Parthophobia:- fear of virgins
v Pathophobia:- fear of disease
v Pediculophobia:- fear of
v Pentheraphobia:- fear or
hatred of one’s mother-in-law
v Phagophobia:- fear of
v Phengophobia:- fear of daylight
v Phonophobia:- fear of noise or of
speaking aloud
v Photophobia:- fear of light
v Pogonophobia:- fear of beards
v Psychrophobia:- fear of
the cold
v Pteronophobia:- fear of
being tickled by feathers
v Pyrophobia:- fear of fire
v Russophobia:- fear of Russia or Russians
v Satanophobia:- fear of the devil
v Sciaphobia:- fear of shadows
v Scopophobia:- fear of being looked at
v Scoptophobia:- fear of being looked
v Scotophobia:- fear of the dark
v Sitiophobia:- fear of food
v Sitophobia:- fear of food or eating
v Spectrophobia:- fear of
looking in a mirror
v Symmetrophobia:- fear of
v Syphilophobia:- fear of
v Taphephobia:- fear of being buried
v Technophobia:- fear of technology
v Thalassophobia:- fear of
the sea
v Thanatophobia:- fear of
v Theophobia:- fear of God
v Tocophobia:- fear of pregnancy or childbirth
v Tonitrophobia:- fear of
v Topophobia:- fear of performing; fear of certain places
v Toxicophobia:- fear of poisoning
v Toxiphobia:- fear of poison or
being poisoned
v Triskaidekaphobia:- fear of the number thirteen
v Uranophobia:- fear of heaven
v Xenophobia:- fear of foreigners
v Zelophobia:- fear of jealousy
v Zoophobia:- fear of animals
For more details & Consultation Feel free to contact us.
Vivekanantha Clinic Consultation Champers at
Chennai:- 9786901830
Panruti:- 9443054168
Pondicherry:- 9865212055 (Camp)
For appointment please Call us or Mail Us
For appointment: SMS your Name -Age – Mobile Number - Problem in Single word -
date and day - Place of appointment (Eg: Rajini - 99xxxxxxx0 – Phobia – 21st
Oct, Sunday - Chennai ), You will receive Appointment details through SMS